Diagnose before Repair

Have you ever booked your car for a service based on what someone told you they "thought it was"  based on symptoms and then proceeded to fix it only to discover that the problem was not solved?  Perhaps a well-meaning friend of a friend, a  car-guy or the helpful local parts place checked a code told you what it might be and you then called around to find the lowest  price for that repair, had it done and "hoped" it fixed the problem.   If you were lucky it did.  When it didn't you were out money and time and something else was tried.  All the money saved by not paying for a diagnostic fee and getting the lowest price is no longer the bargain you thought it was.  Have you ever thought -- there has to be a better way -- well there is!

A better way:  A good repair process begins with a solid diagnostic strategy, and this takes time and resources.  Good diagnostic testing requires specialized knowledge and training and the investment in costly diagnostic equipment.  (note inexpensive hand help scan tools often won't be enough).  We charge to diagnose your vehicle but it is money well spent when it avoids fixing something that doesn’t solve the problem. The misdiagnosis or improper repairs are costly to you in time and money.

At Autowise we perform diagnostics using the latest equipment and an experienced, highly trained, certified mechanic to investigate. You can expect to find out exactly what is wrong with your car, the type of service you will require and the different costs associated with these in a clear, concise and friendly manner.

We’ll listen to what  you might have noticed on your car about any specific mechanical problems , and we will even go for a drive with you so you  point out the noise you hear or sensations you feel for problems that are difficult to spot when your car is stationary.

Then, we’ll issue an estimate, one of our expert mechanics will explain in  detail what was found and provide  options to determine what is the best solution,what needs to be done immediately and what can be done later to help budget for the repair.

Give us a call to schedule a time to have a diagnostic test on your vehicle.